Confessions of a Code Crusader

Yo web wanderers! Motts here, reporting live from my corner of the internet. Let me tell you, this web dev journey has been wilder than a server crash on patch day. Over 20 years in the trenches, I’ve worn more hats than a haberdashery on sale - designer, developer, entrepreneur, even (gulp) teacher.

My Ongoing Odyssey

It all started with an engineering degree from Anna University, fueling my love for building things. But I craved more, so I chased after an MBA in Marketing & Systems (turns out understanding people is just as important as code!). Fast forward to 2003, and identitidesign, my digital-first agency, was born. We’ve wrangled over 40 brands, including tech giants like Amazon (don’t worry, they pay the bills!).

Why Blog? Because Sharing is Caring (and Learning is Perpetual)

My guiding light? “Everything is Figureoutable” (seriously, it should be a t-shirt). This blog is my digital campfire, a place to share the hard-won wisdom and hilarious blunders I’ve accumulated along the way. Think of it as your friendly neighborhood code sensei, still learning alongside you.

Sharpening Your Digital Sword

Here’s what awaits you in this digital dojo:

My Ever-Expanding Toolkit

My Current Obsession:

Right now, I’m neck-deep in building, a URL shortening and management app that’s basically a superhero cape for digital marketers. It’s my way of merging my passion for building awesome things with providing practical solutions for the real web heroes.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

This blog is my attempt to bridge the gap between design and development, transforming you from a wide-eyed padawan to a well-rounded web professional. Whether you’re a coding newbie or a seasoned developer sharpening your skills, consider me your slightly-less-confused comrade-in-arms.

Let’s Make Coding Fun (Again!)

Join me on this journey of learning, growing, and coding like there’s no deadline. Feel free to reach out with questions, coding woes, or just to say hi (because misery loves company, but learning loves collaboration!). Now get out there and conquer the digital world!

Connect with Your Fellow Code Crusader:

Remember, in the ever-evolving world of web development, just like in life, everything is figureoutable. Now go forth and code with reckless abandon, and don’t forget to share your learnings along the way!